2019 - 2020 Information and Interest Form
Last semester we received some valuable feedback about our Elite Feet group, and have decided to make some decisions based on parent and student feedback. These changes are being implemented to increase the rigor of the program, encourage more student voice/choice/ownership within the group, and avoid long Saturday rehearsals and conflicts with the Dance for Social Change festival schedule.
Elite Feet Dance Krewe in 2019-2020 will have mandatory rehearsals on FRIDAYS weekly from 7 - 8:30pm.
Elite Feet will have an open studio available on Saturdays after company classes from, 3:45 - 4:45pm. This is optional, not required weekly and will be used for backup rehearsal as needed.
Students will vote/select a team captain who will work with Mr. Randall to hire choreographers, spread communications to student members; and serve as the collective student voice in decision-making.
Elite Feet will still be a tuition-free program, performance attire will be purchased by parents with DG support (students will decide what they are wearing for their performance during the semester).
Auditions open to all DGSC and DG Uprising Students attending in 2019-2020 (5th Grade students and up)
Participants should come prepared to perform a short piece of choreography (2 min limit - original or previously learned)
Students will be judged not only against choreography, but stage presence, enthusiasm and crowd engagement! VERY IMPORTANT!
(Completed by Student, Please)
Other Important Notes:
We are looking for 3 -4 parent volunteers to help occasionally and be in the front of the studio during Friday and Saturday for these rehearsals when DG staff members are not able to be there. Parents - please let us know if you’re interested.
Audition process will be more selective, students are going to be required to learn intermediate/advanced choreography very quickly for quick turn-over performances, so their ability to do that will be considered.
Exceptional academic/behavior during school activities - some of our bigger performance may require an ask for students to be excused from school. School always comes first and if for any reason a student is needing to be pulled from an upcoming performance, they will be.
In order to maintain the integrity of the group, we ask that all students and families weigh their outside commitments before auditioning this year. Students in Elite Feet will be required to learn choreography very quickly, practice independently as well as outside of classes, and be prepared for performances.
FOR EXAMPLE: Elite Feet’s 1st scheduled performance this year will be Friday, October 11th, opening the International Literacy Conference, which means students will have under five rehearsals in which they will need to learn and clean choreography on their own outside classes for the performance.
Families, please also consider your personal workloads and capacity - we encourage you to partner with other parents in the program to ensure you child can take attend rehearsals.
Considering the schedule change and the switch to volunteer supervision, transportation for your Elite Feet student must be set before your student comes/stays for rehearsal. Mr. Randall and other DG staff will not be available during Elite Feet rehearsals to provide transportation from the studios from these classes as i have in the past.