Cat Dorvilus
Cat Dorvilus is the Studio Manager at Dancing Grounds. She is a free-spirited, Caribbean- American, artist, originally from Miami. She spent the past 5 years traveling in much of the United States, Canada, the Caribbean, Central America, and New Zealand, before settling in New Orleans. She is also very well-acquainted in the hospitality field having spent most of her years prior to and while traveling, also working catering gigs with various Cirque du Soleil shows such as Totem and Varekai and music festivals such as Burning Man, Bonnaroo, Governor's Ball, Mysteryland, and Tortuga Fest. Although, she may not be a professional dancer, dance has played a major role in her life and has enabled her to encounter many different kinds of people, gaining many different perspectives along the way. She is living out the life of her dreams and is devoted to community building, healing, and giving back in whatever way she can.